Adachi and Shimamura (2020)


Genre: Animation , Drama , Romance

About: The TV Show Adachi and Shimamura started airing in 2020 and it is categorized as animation, drama and romance. 123Movies provided links and subtitles for the episodes which last minutes. All new episodes are automatically updated once they are available online.

Plot: The second floor of the gym - this was where we always met. It was class time, but of course, there weren't any classes going on in a place like this. This was where Shimamura and I became friends. We hung out here, talking about TV shows and cooking, playing some ping pong. This is where we fostered our friendship. Keeping my head propped against the wall, I let out a small sigh. What was this feeling? Yesterday, I dreamed of me and Shimamura kissing. Not that I'm like that. I'm sure Shimamura isn't either. It's not even something worth repeating myself about, but really, it's not like that. Read More