Genre: Animation , Short , Adventure , Sci-fi
About: The TV Show The Herculoids started airing in 1967 and it is categorized as animation, short, adventure and sci-fi. 123Movies provided links and subtitles for the episodes which last minutes. All new episodes are automatically updated once they are available online.
Plot: The Herculoids are a group of five super-powered creatures lead by King Zandor of Amzot, his wife Tara, and his son, Dorno. They live together on the planet Quasar and fight against the inevitable alien invaders who seem to show up every week. They crossed over with many other Hanna/Barbera characters such as Space Ghost, the genie Shazam, and many more that remain popular to this day. The shows varied between 10 and 15 minutes, and were often mixed with other shows. Characters (The Herculoids) Gloop & Gleep: Two yellow blobs that can change their forms at will, stretch, and are incredibly elastic. Tundro: A rhinoceros-like dinosaur with thick shielding, he can stretch out his ten legs and blast rocks from its one horn that burst open, causing a mess. Zok: A flying dragon that can release laser beams from its tail and eyes, and can survive in outer space. Igoo: A large ape made of rock, compiled of immense power and very hard to bring down. Zandor, Tara Read More