Genre: Animation , Action , Drama , Fantasy , Horror
About: The TV Show Devilman Crybaby started airing in 2018 and it is categorized as animation, action, drama, fantasy and horror. 123Movies provided links and subtitles for the episodes which last minutes. All new episodes are automatically updated once they are available online.
Plot: When sensitive teenager Akira is dragged into a world of demons and devils by his childhood friend, Ryo, his life changes forever. Finding himself merged with an incredibly powerful demon, Akira devotes his time and effort into protecting mankind from demons and the destruction they bring. What he soon discovers, however, is that things are never black and white, and that his values will be constantly tested in a new world of shades of grey. What follows is a twisted and poignant tale of sacrifice, betrayal, love, grief, and the slow realization that maybe humans are the real monsters. Read More