Dragon Ball Z (1989)


Genre: Animation , Action , Adventure , Comedy , Drama , Fantasy , Sci-fi

About: The TV Show Dragon Ball Z started airing in 1989 and it is categorized as animation, action, adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy and sci-fi. 123Movies provided links and subtitles for the episodes which last minutes. All new episodes are automatically updated once they are available online.

Plot: Five years after the end of "Dragon Ball", Son Gokû reunites with his friends, bringing along his four-year old son, Gohan. Son Gohan is not like his father; he'd rather study than fight. Raditz, a warrior from space lands on earth searching for someone named "Kakarotto". He reveals himself as Raditz of the Saiyajin, the older brother of Kakarotto! And Kakarotto turns out to be Son Gokû! With two other Saiyajin coming to earth, can Gokû and the Z Warriors withstand the onslaught!? Read More