Genre: Action , Comedy , Family , Drama
About: The TV Show Family: The Unbreakable Bond started airing in 2023 and it is categorized as action, comedy, family and drama. 123Movies provided links and subtitles for the episodes which last minutes. All new episodes are automatically updated once they are available online.
Plot: Do-hun lies desperately on the airport floor to prevent his wife Yu-ra from going on a 10th wedding anniversary trip alone. With no hesitation, Yu-ra passes Do-hun and takes a plane to Vietnam. The only fault Do-hun has was that he is busy. Not busy, but too busy. However, as he can't reveal his real status as an ace agent who tracks high-grade criminals, Do-hun has no choice but to apologize and act charmingly to Yu-ra. Meanwhile, his agency offers a new mission to chase a member of the notorious crime syndicate. However, without having a chance to leave the last word, he gets shot by someone anonymous. Who killed him? Read More