Genre: Animation , Comedy , Family , Fantasy , Sci-fi , Sport
About: The TV Show Inazuma Eleven started airing in 2008 and it is categorized as animation, comedy, family, fantasy, sci-fi and sport. 123Movies provided links and subtitles for the episodes which last minutes. All new episodes are automatically updated once they are available online.
Plot: The main character, Endou Mamoru, is a very talented goalkeeper and the grandson of one of the strongest goalkeepers in Japan, who died before he was born. Even though his skills are incredible, his school lacks a real football club as the 6 other members don't appear interested in training at all. But as soon as a mysterious forward called Gouenji moves to Endou's town, the young goalkeeper sets out to find and recruit members for his football team. From there, Endou and his team play all over the world. His love for football leads him to win the Football Frontier Internationals, the biggest football championship. Read More