Genre: Animation , Action , Adventure , Comedy , Crime , Family , Mystery , Sci-fi , Thriller
About: The TV Show Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles started airing in 1987 and it is categorized as animation, action, adventure, comedy, crime, family, mystery, sci-fi and thriller. 123Movies provided links and subtitles for the episodes which last minutes. All new episodes are automatically updated once they are available online.
Plot: Distinctly different from the grim, violent, and dark MIRAGE comics from which the Turtles originated, this version of the franchise has remained the longest running, and most memorable, version of all. Four turtles fall into the sewers and are befriended by Hamato Yoshi a Japanese man sent to New York who was forced to live in the sewers. One day he sees a strange green glow which transforms the four turtles into human-like creatures. Hamato (now Master Splinter) changes into a giant rat from the green glow and teaches the turtles the skills of the ninja as they team up with Channel 6 news reporter April O'Neil to battle against Yoshi's arch enemy Shredder and Krang, an alien warlord from Dimension X. Read More